Murder On The Orient Express

The movie is OK. Sure, Ingrid Bergman won an Oscar. But, the book is brilliant!!! Alright, let me come out and tell you that one of my guilty pleasures is (was?) reading Agatha Christie.

The story is gripping. But, I thought the ending was horrible. It just did not make any sense to me that 12 people can get together and murder one person. For them to be successful, the team should have been tight and cohesive. I just brushed it aside as rubbish.

It’s been aeons since I read that book. For some odd reason, the story has been bugging me for the past one week. Well, certain things are truly unexplainable.

I plan to read ‘Being Indian’ by Pavan K. Varma in the next few weeks. Alright, let me sign off now. Oh, and before I go, whatever happened with the Bob Woolmer case. Who do you think killed him?

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3 Comments on “Murder On The Orient Express”

  1. pArijAta Says:

    Reading Agatha Christie has been one of my guilty pleasures too. Sometimes, she tends to be a bit melodramatic. There is this book of hers, “The Big Four”. The drama in ‘Murder on the Orient Express’ is pale, compared to that in ‘The Big Four’. What would you feel if you read that four people wanted to get together and take over the world? I couldn’t put the book down, but the story defies logic. Well, that’s not to say that I don’t enjoy reading her 😉

    I remember watching another version of ‘Murder on the Orient Express’. It used to be telecast on PBS, I think. This guy with an unbelievable moustache (the one who plays the French gangster in the In-laws) plays Poirot in that series.. It is really riveting.

  2. Vijay Says:

    I thought you were trying to draw a parallel between the story and what happened to Bob Woolmer. . especially when you mentioned the 12 suspects (read the Pak team)
    While I dont think any player did it. . I dont rule out involvement by other members of the team.

  3. decemberstud Says:

    @ pArijAta:
    True, Agatha Christie is a guilty pleasure for a lot of people. Hmmm..never read “Teh Big Four”. I sure will, now that you have mentioned. Yep, I have watched the PBS series which you talk about. It was kinda kewl.

    @ Vijay:
    LOL…drawing parallels, huh ? Ummmm…maaaaybe 😉

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